Become a Volunteer Driver
Do you, or anyone you know have some spare time to become a volunteer driver. Do you enjoy driving, meeting people and exploring new parts of Cornwall?
Driving and using public transport can be challenging for people with health conditions or restricted mobility. Being able to get from A to B is crucial for maintaining a healthy, happy, active, and enjoyable lifestyle. This is where Volunteer Cornwall’s Community Transport Service comes in. All co-ordinated by the transport department at our head office in Truro, our volunteer drivers use their own vehicles to transport passengers of all ages, to schools or social & medical appointments.
Our service is best suited to; people in rural areas, Time critical health care appointments or journeys where other services are unsuitable or completely unavailable. However, the service is open to anyone in the county for everyday journeys like driving to get food shopping or collecting prescriptions plus many other trips that are vital to an individual, enabling and sustaining their independent living.
The more drivers we have the more people we can support throughout Cornwall. You can give as much or as little time as you would like when becoming a volunteer driver, and you will be paid all out-of-pocket expenses such as bridge tolls or phone calls etc, and 45p per mile you travel while out on journeys for Volunteer Cornwall.
- We transport people on behalf of a range of charities, community groups and organisations including Action for Children; Barnardo’s; Carefree; the Wave Project and many more!
- We take the safety of our drivers and passengers very seriously. All drivers have an enhanced DBS check, references, safeguarding training and further MIDAS accredited training in driving standards and driving with passengers.
To become a volunteer driver, please contact the office on 01872 265300 or follow this link to read further information and to apply electronically.
Volunteers are required to have an account on the website to complete this form.
If you've not created a volunteer account, please create one here.
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