Become a Volunteer Governor at Mount Charles School

Local Area
Restormel (Newquay, Clays & St Austell & in between)
Minimum Age
Not Specified
Role description

Are you passionate about our future generations?

Do you want to make difference to young people?

Would you like to develop your own skills?

Do you have some time to give to our wonderful community?

Have you ever thought about becoming a school governor?

Mount Charles School is community primary school in St Austell. We are looking for new members for our Local Governing Body to start in September 2023. The role of local community governors is to provide support and challenge to the school leadership team.  

The role involves attending a 2-3 hour meeting each half term. The meetings are a mix of business meetings to review and discuss core documents relating to school improvement and consider policies; and meetings focussed on spending time in the classrooms and speaking with staff and pupils.  There may be additional meetings and requests to support the school from time to time, for example to take part in safeguarding audits, support with panels, and take part in interviews for teaching and senior leadership roles.

Mount Charles School is part of Cornwall Education Learning Trust (CELT), a large academy trust covering mid-Cornwall. CELT arranges an annual programme of training for local governors.

Our governors come from a range of different backgrounds, skills and experience but all share a common interest of wanting the best possible education for the children of our school.

The LGB has an important role in challenging and supporting the school to operate effectively and holding school leaders to account.

We would be delighted to hear from anyone who:-

  • Is interested in children’s education and the performance of the school
  • Is community spirited and would like to represent the community
  • Has time and the energy for the role
  • Is able to work well as part of a team
  • Has an enquiring mind and the confidence to ask questions and debate issues that affect the school
  • Can consider matters objectively and make informed judgements.

The role is for a four-year term and involves meetings approximately every half term.

If you would like to learn more about supporting the school in this way, please email Katie Chandler, Chair of the LGB, at

Type of activity
Admin and Office
Teaching and Training
Location for Volunteering Activity
St Austell
Volunteering days
Flexible Days
Mount Charles School

Volunteers are required to have an account on the website to complete this form.

[Login here]

If you've not created a volunteer account, please create one here.


St Austell
United Kingdom

Email address for volunteer applications