Good Old Furniture Available (GOFA) - Volunteers
Post date
01/12/2022 - 11:30
Local Area
Penwith (Penzance, St Ives & Hayle & in between)
Role description
GOFA stands for Good Old Furniture Available. We are a non-profit making charity that recycles unwanted household/garage items and distributes them into the wider community around West Cornwall.
Who is it for?
- Anyone on benefits, low income, people with mental health difficulties and the vulnerable.
- GOFA helps people of all ages from 16+.
- GOFA has links with Live West housing, YMCA, Konnect Cornwall, Women’s Aid Pz, Social Services, local NHS Hospitals and various community-based organisations that require our support.
Do you need volunteers?
Yes, GOFA relies on our volunteers to either drive, collect, lift furniture, repair/paint furniture, clean items. There’s always lots to do at GOFA, so if you can spare a couple of hours a week, please contact GOFA.
Type of activity
Gardening and DIY
Location for Volunteering Activity
Volunteering days
Monday Morning
Monday Afternoon
Tuesday Morning
Tuesday Afternoon
Wednesday Morning
Wednesday Afternoon
Thursday Morning
Thursday Afternoon
Friday Morning
Friday Afternoon
Flexible Days
Volunteers are required to have an account on the website to complete this form.
If you've not created a volunteer account, please create one here.
Ellis Square
Voundervour Lane
TR18 4UH
United Kingdom
Email address for volunteer applications